Teamwork IMS News

Youth Futures Foundation demonstrate their commitment to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions

The Youth Futures Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, whose mission is to improve employment outcomes for young people from marginalised backgrounds. As the” What Works Centre” for youth employment, the Foundation focuses on narrowing employment gaps by identifying effective strategies and investing in evidence generation to enhance policy and practice. 

Youth Futures engaged Teamwork IMS to support with Carbon Footprinting & Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR).  

SECR is a mandatory reporting scheme for large UK companies that aims to simplify and improve energy and carbon reporting.  SECR impacts any companies, LLPs and groups that exceed at least two of the following three thresholds in the financial year: £36m annual turnover. £18m balance sheet total. 250 employees.  Although Youth Futures Foundation did not fall within the qualification criteria the Foundation voluntarily decided to report in line with SECR in order to demonstrate their sustainability commitment by establishing and reducing their carbon emissions.  

Project duration and delivery

 The project commenced in March 2024, with the report delivered in May 2024, aligning perfectly with the client’s requirements for submission alongside their annual financial statements. 

The project was fuelled by positive employee engagement and Teamwork’s assistance with data collation and entry ensuring timely delivery in establishing a comprehensive carbon footprint of Youth Futures Foundation.  

The future for The Youth Futures Foundation

The success of the project is a testament to Youth Futures dedication to sustainability and the tools and expertise provided by Teamwork IMS.  The work undertaken now enables the Foundation to strategically focus on carbon reduction planning for the future and demonstrates the Organisation’s commitment to sustainability. 

Post-project, Youth Futures are seeking recognised external verification methods to validate their emission reduction to actively avoid greenwashing in exploring further schemes such as the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi)a charity that helps companies and financial institutions set emissions reductions and net-zero targets aligned with climate science. 

How can Teamwork IMS help your organisation?

For more information on how Carbon Footprinting & Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) can support your organisations journey to reduce carbon emissions – visit Teamwork IMS or contact us on 0118 207 8924.