Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

SECR Consultancy

Want to streamline your energy & carbon reporting and meet compliance obligations?
Our experienced SECR consultants can help.

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What is Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting?

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) is a mandatory reporting scheme for large UK companies that aims to simplify and improve energy and carbon reporting. Large companies are legally required to report their energy consumption, carbon emissions, and energy-saving measures within their annual report.

SECR helps organisations gain a better understanding of the risks of climate change, manage energy usage and costs whilst supporting the UK’s goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Our team of expert consultants can guide you through the SECR compliance process, ensuring that you meet all the reporting requirements and demonstrate your green credentials to stakeholders whilst taking advantage of energy-saving opportunities.

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How it can make a difference to your organisation

Improved environmental management

SECR can help your organisation identify energy and resource saving opportunities to improve environmental performance and reduce energy consumption and costs.

Reassure customers & stakeholders

Customer confidence

With the help of our team, SECR compliance can demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and strengthen your green credentials in the marketplace

Complete Framework

Provides a framework for organisations to achieve their environmental goals, which in turn improves efficiency and helps mitigate climate change.

Continual improvement

Continual improvement

Allows organisations to create structured methods for identifying environmental key performance indicators and track progress to ensure continual improvement.

Reduce operating costs

Cost effective

Compliance can help to improve your organisation’s bottom line, identifying areas in which you can reduce energy and resource costs to make savings.

Measurable results

Compliance obligations

Compliance with current SECR legislation can support other sustainability obligations (e.g. ESOS).

Our SECR Compliance Lifecycle



Our consultants will help you understand your obligations and the extent of information that needs to be reported

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Data gathering

We will advise you on what data needs to be gathered and sources before completing our analysis

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Carbon footprint

We will develop your annual carbon footprint report which will include energy efficiency recommendations and your intensity ratios.

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Annual reporting

Upon completion of the SECR report and evidence pack, we can work with you to develop an efficient framework for ongoing annual reporting and continual improvement.

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Why choose Teamwork IMS?

Experienced Professionals

Experienced Professionals

Since 2007, Teamwork has been solving compliance challenges for a huge range of organisations, from SMEs to large international corporates. Our team of professionals includes CISSP, PCI Security Standards Council QSA, MBCI, GDPR, IEMA, ESOS Lead Assessors, NEBOSH and CMIOSH qualified consultants.

Multi-disciplinary team

Multi-disciplinary team

Our knowledge and experience across a broad base of management and technical Standards make us uniquely equipped to help organisations to comply with sustainability requirements and integrate with existing management systems to achieve significant savings and efficiencies.

Part of your business

Part of your business

Our success has been firmly based on two key principles: the ability of Teamwork consultants to look beyond the regulation in question and identify, define and align with the real business drivers of our customers, and our innate ability to become one with our customer’s own management teams.

Global credentials

Global credentials

We have developed and led UKAS-accredited ISO as well as other standard and compliance-based service improvement programmes for private and public-sector organisations across an international client base.

Have you considered multiple standards and compliance projects?

  • Save time and money by completing projects in parallel, for example SECR & ESOS
  • Create an effective framework for reporting and avoid duplication
  • Become globally recognised for best practices
  • Gain a long-term compliance partner with our passionate consultants
  • Add value to your business and strengthen your sales proposition
  • Protect your business from threats by complying with all relevant standards

See all standards…

Related Standards



Save energy and meet compliance with energy savings and opportunity scheme.

ISO 50001

ISO 50001

Improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

ISO 14001 Consultancy

ISO 14001

Reduce waste, show your commitment to the environment.


Sustainability Services

Other sustainability services

Frequently asked questions

Does SECR apply to my organisation?

This regulation applies to:

Quoted companies – these are defined as UK incorporated quoted companies with Equity share capital listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange UK or in an EEA State, or admitted to trading on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq

Unquoted large companies (including charitable companies) or large Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) – these are defined as those which satisfies two or more of the following requirements:

  • with over 250 employees
  • annual turnover of more than £36m
  • annual balance sheet of over £18m.

Public sector organisations are exempt from SECR, and private companies that can provide evidence that they use less than 40,000kWh in a year will not be required to comply.

The government also encourages all private sector organisations which are not in scope of the legislation to report similarly, although this remains voluntary.

How is SECR included in annual reports?

SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) is included in the strategic or sustainability section of an organisation’s annual report. It involves disclosing information about annual energy use and your direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions including previous year’s figures. Additionally, organisations are required to  report on an intensity ratio and demonstrate energy efficiency actions implemented during the reporting period.

The reporting requirements are designed to provide organisations with enhanced visibility of their energy and emission data and costs to inform adoption of energy efficiency measures and opportunities to reduce their impact on climate change.

It also provides greater transparency for stakeholders on business energy efficiency, environmental performance and net zero readiness.

How will Teamwork support us with SECR compliance?

Teamwork project manager and consultants will carry out the example schedule of key activities as outlined below:

  • Data collection and analysis for the reporting periods including guidance on data sources and templates for data capture
  • Upload the relevant data into carbon footprinting software including conversion of data into kWh and tCO2e
  • Development of annual carbon footprint that complies with the SECR requirements ensuring the required measurements are reported and aligned to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting standard
  • Identify and agree intensity ratios
  • Develop a comparative with previous year’s figures for energy use and GHG emissions
  • Identify and agree energy efficiency recommendations
  • Report on your financial year carbon emissions producing a SECR compliant annual statement and supporting report for inclusion within the audited financial statements.
  • Development of SECR evidence packs including details of the evidence and tools utilised to compile the annual SECR compliance report and statement.
  • Following completion of your SECR report, we can also undertake a review to provide a recommendation for an efficient framework for ongoing annual reporting and continual improvement.
Do we need external verification or assurance?

There is no requirement in the legislation for emission and energy use data, or narrative on energy efficiency action to be independently assured; however, they recommend it as best practice. Voluntary independent assurance on the accuracy, completeness and consistency of energy use, GHG emissions data and energy efficiency action is encouraged.

We practice what we preach

For a consultancy team who routinely manage compliance programs for other organisations, progressing through our own certification process is always a valuable reminder of how the experience feels and we think that this contributes towards our efficient but sympathetic approach to consulting for others.

View our certifications

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